Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Yuba River Jubilee 2017

In my opinion there isn't a better time than now to be out and about supporting the wild places we love and respect along with the organizations and folks who do the same.  As most of us know, we are now in a day where our country is extremely divided due to the ever so dark and fierce beast known as politics.  Big surprise.  No matter what side of the table we threw our cards on, today is here.  Whoever you chose to be the chief doesn't change the fact that right now at this very moment, conservation, renewable resources, clean water, sustainability and a healthier future for our children's children may not necessarily be the highest priority.  Policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. Rule otherwise known as The Clean Water Rule are out with the old.  Freezes ordered on grants and contracts while imposing new restrictions on EPA scientists is underway.  Times are changing rapidly and at first glance it looks as if the environment will suffer greatly for it.  Will the new changes benefit the health and well being of our families, communities and planet overall?  Will the new policies set into action help us and our surroundings beyond ways we're able to understand?  Only time (and real efforts) will tell.  I'm not claiming to know everything there is to know about the policies, projected outcomes or the grand scheme being set into place at this very moment.  I'm not coming down on anyone who voted for this person or that.  What's done is done.  It's a new day and we can either settle, believe everything we hear and trust others to do the right thing or we can stay informed, active and aggressive in our own lives to change our world in a positive way.  What does seem clear is that if we don't take responsibility for our environment and continue to live unapologetically on this rock, she will have no problem whatsoever crushing us in a heartbeat.  Taking part in conservation efforts, spreading the word of the good fights and focusing on our communities and our surroundings day by day with an eye on the big picture are a few ways to take responsibility for a better tomorrow.  

Feb 18th on the Yuba River, we'll see a gathering led by Jon Baiocchi and Lance Gray who love the river and all the joy she gives as much as the rest of us that live near, on or far away and they've founded this gathering to help give back.  

It will be held between 1-4pm at 5560 State Hwy 20, Browns Valley, CA 95918

The event will host a wide range of folks, organizations, demonstrations and presentations from guides to clubs, groups and shops.

I'm looking forward to being there in support of Jon and Lance and their gusto in putting this together.  I'll be there running the Cast Hope booth with Hogan Brown as well as being alongside The Reel Anglers Fly Shop tent with Tom Page, Clay Hash of Fly Fishing Traditions and Dave Barbieri.  

Read all about it below and come join us on the beautiful river we all love so much!   

Jon Baiocchi and Lance Gray would like to invite you to the first annual “Yuba River Jubilee” held on February 18, 2017 from 1pm-4pm at the Hammon Grove Park on the Yuba River. The Jubilee will showcase guides, clubs, fly shops, environmental groups, and state agencies that are all working hard to make the Yuba River and her watershed the best it can be. Jon and I want to give back to the river that has given so many wonderful memories to us. The river is a wonderful place to fish, drift, and hike. We are looking to protect it for future generations. Educating anglers is the key to the Yuba River's success. We are hoping to make this an annual event.

This event is free to all who would like to participate! We will have a great raffle with all proceeds going to a non-profit benefactor which will be announced at the Jubilee.

Celebrities - Lincoln Gray, Clay Hash, Hogan Brown, Chuck Ragan, Jon Baiocchi, Mac Noble, Lance & Kirsten Gray, Darin Elmore, Alex Ramirez, Tom Page, Jerry French, Doug Brutocao, Brian Clemens and more!

Exhibitors List for Jubilee- Sierra Stream & Mountain Fly Shop, Fly Fishing Traditions, Cast Hope, Hogan Brown Fly Fishing, South Yuba River Citizens League, Truckee Trout Unlimited Chapter 103, Gold Country Fly Fishers, Fish First Fly Shop, Reel Anglers Fly Shop, Aqua Flies, Nor Cal Fly Guides, Orvis - Roseville, and more!

Tailgate Presentations & Demonstrations - Clay Hash – Classes at Sierra College, Jon Baiocchi – The Yuba River, Tom Page – Building Indicator Rigs, Mac Noble – Switch Rod Demonstration on the Water and Jerry French Switch Rod Casting and more!

Raffles – Driftboat Trips, Full Day Guided Trips, 1 on 1 Schools, Hats, Flies and more!

You can find out more and follow Jon and Lance here:

See you on the river!

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